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Science/technology geek. Passionate for self learning, open education.

Monday, May 28, 2012

[MIT OCW CS/SE] Result and review of 1st term

So, it's getting the end of May. My first term of MIT OCW computer science self education project is done. Well, I should say it is done by my choice.

Here is the result: Fail
(What I mean by fail is that I couldn't finish most of the classes exclude single variable calculus. No final exams, assignments.)

I was able to manage to finish single variable calculus video lecture part, but it's gone way out of my time management. Even though I am not, of course, pleased with the result that I got by mysef, I want to review objectively what I could fix and improve for the next term which will start from 4th in June.

Reason 1. Lack of review and problem set

I should have expected it. First I started out by thinking that I could catch up on the weekends or I could do some of them instead of all of them. However as I was reluctunt to do problem set and review with an excuse that I do not have enough time(which is true, though), I found myself that I have not done ANY assingments or even exercises.

I think it was because I set up too many  "heavy" classes in the first place, and then I was not able to control as it got bigger. Each class had a fair amount of assisngments, and I did not do it.

How to fix it
-> In planning process for the 2 term, I'm making 2 important classes as a main and two less important but a bit lighter classes on the weekends. So that way I can have enough time to do review and problem sets.

Reasons 2. Two heavy projects at the same time

When I started this project in early this year(Feb), I was quite ambitious and had so many ideas to do at the same time. Well, as a result I made MIT OCW CS/SE project AND independent research for biosensor system as my projects for this year.
Now I admit that was TOO ambitous to do with full time job. I did not give a consideration of how both projects will need a lot of time to study and research.
Especially studying computer science and programming already comsume a lot of time and effort everyday.

How to fix it
-> From now on, I goint to drop independent research for biosensor. That does not mean I give up, but I think it is logically a right sequence to establish fundamental of math and computer science knowledge first.

Reason 3. Not using discussion forum or board

I don't think that it is a major reason why my first project failed. Yet I could have gotten more help if I asked when I got stuck for understadning about certain topic or concept.

How to fix it
-> From next term, I will use openstudy.com, stack overflow or stack exchange for getting a better help when I need it.


Even though the result of project is fail as I declared, that doesn't mean I should give up since I still love learning more about computer science.

I've learning how to program everday at least 2 hours since last November, and I got my first project which I hope to get it done by September. Since I know I can't put much time everday, I'm trying to make it small by small.
In the mean time, I'm going to make my own homepage using Wordpress sooner or later.

(Ok, now I'm putting so many stuff on my hands. I guess it is my weakness that I need to overcome. At least I acknowedge of it, so I can try to fix it for improvement.)

Overall, it has been quite intense and rewarding. It has been intense because I really commited at least 4 hours everyday after work to study and program, and it has been rewarding becasue now I know how to program with python, abou linux and some problems that I should overcome.

For next term, I will make more realistic and clear objective as well as visible outcome that I can share and other people can use for their study.

Bye bye 1st term and hello 2nd term! :)

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