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Science/technology geek. Passionate for self learning, open education.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

[MIT OCW CS/SE project 2012]Updates and tiny confession

Yes! this months is the last month for my 1st term of MIT OCW Computer Science Self Education project. Right a few days ago, there was an announcement for edX from Harvard and MIT.
I'm super excited that these two big giants decided to offer their quality classes for free! Though I will review a bit more what my experience to use MIT OCW to study for this first term, breifly there are quite many things that can be better.

Anyway, as the first term is getting wrapped up I'm trying to focus more since it has been really pretty crazy. Along with daily class session for 2 hours, I was devoting 2 hours for 2 months to learn C.
I'm almost done with one book for learning C, but thinking to pause a bit and switch to python for a faster prototype of my program.

And... here it comes a little confession for my project. I said I haven't been able to do assignments so far before, and will do them from then on. Well, it didn't go as I wished, and to be honest I couldn't do any assignments.
So basically, taking lectures, trying to understand and do reviews. I feel quite bad about it , yest really bad because though I spent quite much time to study I feel that I learned as much as I wanted to learn.
However, I'd like to make an excuse for saving myself from drowning into self-blaming. :p

I'm working full time, 9 - 6 and the job is not releveant with programming or software. So mostly I have time in the night to focus on stuying, and well it goes the same with the weekends. Though weekends is more relaxing to review the week, programming and learning books etc.
Instead of doing homework, I found myself to apply things that I learned into real world. For example, discrete mathematics - it's quite helpful to organize my thoughs, shedule etc.

So I'm going to change this for the next term which starts 2nd week in June. (I have 3 terms for 2012.) For the rest of the remaining term, I will try to focus on doing some review at least when I have sometime. ;)

Although there has been this assignement issue, I will keep this self education project going for some solid philosophy. I've been already learning quite many things not only about pros and cons for self learning but also computer science knowledge - math/programming etc.
Well I'm not doing this project with a perfect solution or guidline. It's more adventure to see how much self learning can bring to me or potential other people who have a goal to acheive by self learning. It will keep evolving for a better result every time, and eventually it can make fruitful outcome.

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