Who is Freindlygeek?

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Science/technology geek. Passionate for self learning, open education.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

A journal of Independent research for an integrated biosensor system

A journal of independent research for an integreated biosensor system

- Objective

This journal for a better understanding to develop an integrated biosensor system are started with two main simple questions.

  1. Even though most essential technologies for an easy access biosensor system are developed already, people are not using such a system yet.
    Why is that?
  2. Then, how can I build such the most efficient and well structured integrated biosensor system?

One of the main reasons why I got interested in biosensor itself is that last year I had a moment to lead me think of an importance for health monitoring system. I believe that everyone once in a while have had a such an alarming notification about their health - such as a sudden pain or abnormal chronicle fatigue. Since then, I’ve studied about biosensor itself and current stage of the technologies by myself.

As I’ve been studying, I was able to come up with some rough ideas for what kind of system structure I want to make. Then I came to the conclusion that in order to answer those questions and build a such a system I need a better understanding of a big picture of current development for biosensor and detailed problems that currently is being faced and yet need to be overcome.

I am not currently involved with any research, but I decided to do my own independent research before jumping into an actual biosensor system development because not only I don’t know how to build such a complex system now but also this independent research will enable me cover from biology to computer system with a better detail in the future.


Friday, February 10, 2012

Math, the simplest and fun way to describe the world

My MIT computer science self education has been going pretty well, and kept me quite busy with review and homework. For the first term, I have two math classes - single variable calculus and mathematics for computer science.

One day, I found myself really enjoy studying math by myself. Though I studied science since highschool, math was a bit worrisome for me. I constantly worried about grades and was being concious about sort of a competiton with my friends and so on. However, since these "classes" are not for grades at all, but for quite pure curiosity. It suddenly became my favorite subjects. I feel like now I can really see the world in a clearer view with math and physics rule.
Virtually most everythng in the world can be described with math - though I am not that genius.However, now I can really see how elegantly and simply math can explain this complex world.

For example, mathmatics for computer science which is discrete mathematics is about to think very logically and figure out the relation among events. I have studied till only chapter 4 so far. It is quite interesting to apply it into real world whenver I have a chance. Also single variable calculus is actualy not very hard since I studied in my high school quite rigorously, but when I think about how it helps to interpret physics it gives me more ideas for connection between math and other things.

I think the point of studying math is not for grades or score that I get on a test. It is another way to appreciate and analyze the world in the most simplest way.

+ Some useful source to understand multinomial theorem

    I didn't quite get the concept of multinomial theorem, and found this on youtube!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

[Thoughts on life]Curiosity

I'm not sure since when I got into science and technology. But I do remember that whenever I looked up the dark night sky, I couldn't help asking myself why that shinny thingy is up there? Also, that was a place for me to expand my imagination. There was nothing to stop me from thinking like a crazy about universe, moon, and everything. I ended up studying science and math in my high school, and studying physics in my freshman year in college.

Funny thing though, when computer was introduced me for the first time I got totally hooked up. I decided to be a computer programmer. After a while, middle school, high school and passing college, now I'm back. I mean I'm not a programmer 'yet', but instantly again fell in love with the whole process of programming, coding and being creative.

Anyway, what has held me in this field of science and technology would be definitely curiosity.
'Why'. I can't live without this word and never will. It is just so interesting to see people, mostly grown up to get used to not asking 'why'. It's not the most practical thing to ask every time, but I believe that we would not have been using computer without it.

Now I'm working, and studying 'independently' as a "grownup" in this society. I'm still curious why the world is the way it is, and if there is any other way that I can change or make an impact on. It's easy to think by myself, but whenever I talk with people, I found that it sounds a quite silly question. For example, I ask myself sometimes why we have to use hands for cell phone? or can I make a light trash collector? Ok, the last one sounds a bit more scientific nuance.
Well, I guess I would rather be stupid dumb to ask such a question than 'No question whatsover, just accept it' sort of person. And.... it's quite interesting to see any question and curiosity are dragged down from the imagination world into "real world"

Start studying c++/ Embedded system

I started out programming by learning python, and I've learned quite many basics about how programming looks like, terminologies etc. Now actually I'm not in high need to study python, I've started to study c++.
Some of the reasons is that I would like to study operating system, embedded system for my research topic in the future.
Pointer, dynamic memory allocation.. It's not quite easy to understand right away, however I really enjoy that!
Along with my MIT CS.SE project, in my spare time I religiously find any information that I'm curious, and read. For me, it's better than just "studying" since I'm doing both sides approach this way. First I'm studying a foundation about electrical engineering and computer science with MIT CS.SE, though it would not be "perfect", and I'm learning by my own questions. By doing that, it lasts long in my memory since I can use whenever I want.

For example, Virginia tech CS module
This is such a great website for anybody beginner like me to learn about basic stuff for computer science. I've read most of them, and currently on the page of programming language.

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