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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

[Thoughts on life] Am I too late?

Many questions related with the title above. Am I too late to do something?
I think the question needs a bit more clarification - by WHAT standard?
Being late something or not should be considered by one individual's own time frame, not by society or other people's standard.

Whether or not it is a life change moment or merely trying something new, it depends on one's own time as long as something is certian and clear. Why and what.

Personally, when I was 10 I just fell in love with violin sound. I found an academy right next to my house which, unfortunately, was gone a month after. So I asked my mom if I can take a lesson, well it didn't work out for some reason that I don't remember.
Then 14 years later, I knew I've loved violin still. So I went to community center that has a cheap lesson for resident. There, I got my violin, book and glorious mindset that I'm ready to plunge into the world of violin.
After 2 lessons, what I got told? Hmm, it seems that I have "too" long fingers for violin from the instructor. So again, it didn't work out.

Now here, 2 years after that. I still have a flame for violin. I'm aiming for world class violinist, but I set my one more goal for next year(since this year is full already.. :p). Start learning violin even just 1 hour a week.

Actually it goes with programming also. I did some programming in young age - but not much. I wanted to study computer science in college, but I took the highest class right away and dropped out the class. I remember that was data base class.

I think there is alwyas some reasons why a person gets intersested in something, but it gets easier to catch the interest as growing up. Then the interests or flame hit the person when it seems too "late", and think like "am I too late for this"
Just say 'NO', and go for it. Make a plan and being creative. Embrace fails and change.

The question itself can't have the right answer, and often time the person who is asking would probably know that. 

There is no standard for anyone to be late to do something as long as having a responsibility for one's life. It is always late to do something if the person is afraid of having full responsibility of the result - fail or succeed. However, it will come back and poke the one's heart in life. It'd be better to try out than not doing it!


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